Thursday, September 28, 2006

Another Ridiculous Energy Drink Called Cocaine

Another Ridiculous Energy Drink Called Cocaine: " Another Ridiculous Energy Drink Called Cocaine Considering one soft drink maker's very deceptive ploy to promote 7-Up as 100 percent natural, companies will do anything to grab the attention of consumers, particularly teens. So much so, a Las Vegas firm has labeled its newest energy drink Cocaine, even though it contains absolutely none of the ingredients of the illegal drug. Although a visit to the product's Web site reminds people to consume Cocaine responsibly (along with the expected legal disclaimers warning children and pregnant moms not to drink it), various news accounts say the energy drink is being advertised as a 'legal alternative' to the real thing. Far from the 'real thing,' however, the only kick in a can of Cocaine is 280 milligrams of caffeine, still less than you'd ever get after drinking an expresso. Understanding its main competition is Red Bull, Redux Beverages claims their new and improved energy drink is '350 percent stronger,' hence, I suspect, where the origin of that ridiculous name came from... "

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